Beechwood Dental Case Studies
At Beechwood Dental we undertake complex courses of dental treatment. These not only improve a patient’s oral health, but can also improve a person confidence by giving them a healthy smile. We’ve chosen a few case studies from our dental clinic that we think will demonstrate some of these treatments. Contact us if you wish to get testimonials from patients who have had treatment with us.
(please note that the following are clinical photographs and the before images, may be unpleasant to view)
Case Study Patient A
Missing front tooth replaced with an implant supported crown.

Case Study Patient B
Missing premolar tooth replaced with implant supported crown.

Patient C
Implant supported crown & tooth supported crown on 2 upper front teeth.

Patient D
Failed tooth supported crown is replaced with implant supported crowns on two upper front teeth. This means the two upper front teeth were extracted and 2 implant & crowns placed 3 months later.

Patient E
Old amalgam filling replaced with resin composite filling.

Patient F
Fractured front teeth through trauma (accident). Upper teeth were root canal treated and crowned. Lower teeth restored with resin bonded composite fillings (bonding).

Patient G
Space closure using bonding. Patient was reluctant to have Invisalign so bonding was used as an alternative.

Patient H
Old amalgam filling replaced with resin composite filling (bonding).

Patient I
This patient fell and broke their front tooth. The tooth was reattached the next day with an excellent result.

Patient J
Crowns placed to lengthen and improve appearance of teeth. Lower space filled with a bridge . Upper left space filled with an implant.

Patient K
Patient lost teeth as result of accident. 2 implants were placed and several months later, 2 crowns placed supported by the implants.

Patient L
This patient came to us with heavily eroded front teeth. We whitened her teeth, and then placed porcelain veneers giving her a great smile back again.

Patient M
This patient was concerned with the general appearance of her smile. We used a combination of gum treatment, tooth whitening, crowns and veneers to give her a lovely new smile!

Patient N
Worn teeth restored with porcelain veneers.

Patient O
Four missing lower teeth replaced with 4 unit bridge supported with two dental implants.

Patient P
This patient had become very conscious about the appearance of his smile. We masked the dark colour, long looking misaligned teeth by using a combination of crowns and veneers across the smile line.

Patient Q
All lower teeth missing. Four implants to support a screw retained bridge to replace patients loose lower denture.

Patient R
Implants placed to support new upper bridge as natural teeth have lost bone through periodontal disease.

Patient S
Old amalgam filling replaced with resin composite filling (bonding).

Patient T
Old amalgam filling replaced with resin composite filling (bonding).

Patient U
Telescopic denture used to fill space following numerous teeth tooth loss.

Patient V
Tooth erosion & attrition (wear case). Replaced with crowns, veneers and a dental implant.

Patient W
Dental implant case. All teeth extracted because of periodontal disease. Screw retained bridge on 6 implants placed.

Patient X
Patients was worried about his dark front tooth. We corrected this with tooth whitening and a crown and a veneer. We suggested orthodontic treatment but the patient was happy with the position of his teeth.

Patient Y
Worn teeth restored with resin bonded composite (bonding).